
Utilizing Wordnets for Cognate Detection among Indian Languages

Automatic Cognate Detection (ACD) is a challenging task which has been utilized to help NLP applications like Machine Translation, Information Retrieval and Computational Phylogenetics. Unidentified cognate pairs can pose a challenge to these …

Cognate Identification to improve Phylogenetic trees for Indian Languages

Cognates are present in multiple variants of the same text across different languages. Computational Phylogenetics uses algorithms and techniques to analyze these variants and infer phylogenetic trees for a hypothesized accurate representation based …

Hindi Wordnet for Language Teaching: Experiences and Lessons Learnt

This paper reports the work related to making Hindi Wordnet1 available as a digital resource for language learning and teaching, and the experiences and lessons that were learnt during the process. The language data of the Hindi Wordnet has been …

Indian Language Wordnets and their Linkages with Princeton WordNet

Wordnets are rich lexico-semantic resources. Linked wordnets are extensions of wordnets, which link similar concepts in wordnets of different languages. Such resources are extremely useful in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, …

pyiwn: A Python-based API to access Indian Language WordNets

Indian language WordNets have their individual web-based browsing interfaces along with a common interface for IndoWordNet. These interfaces prove to be useful for language learners and in an educational domain, however, they do not provide the …

Semi-automatic WordNet Linking using Word Embeddings

Wordnets are rich lexico-semantic resources. Linked wordnets are extensions of wordnets, which link similar concepts in wordnets of different languages. Such resources are extremely useful in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, …

Synthesizing Audio for Hindi Wordnet

In this paper, we describe our work on the creation of a voice model using a speech synthesis system for the Hindi Language. We use pre-existing 'voices', use publicly available speech corpora to create a 'voice' using the Festival Speech Synthesis …

A picture is worth a thousand words: Using OpenClipArt library for enriching IndoWordNet

WordNet has proved to be immensely useful for Word Sense Disambiguation, and thence Machine translation, Information Retrieval and Question Answering. It can also be used as a dictionary for educational purposes. The semantic nature of concepts in a …

Mapping it differently: A solution to the linking challenges

This paper reports the work of creating bilingual mappings in English for certain synsets of Hindi wordnet, the need for doing this, the methods adopted and the tools created for the task. Hindi wordnet, which forms the foundation for other Indian …

SlangNet: A WordNet like resource for English Slang

We present a WordNet like structured resource for slang words and neologisms on the internet. The dynamism of language is often an indication that current language technology tools trained on today's data, may not be able to process the language in …