Kanojia, Diptesh
Diptesh Kanojia
Advances in Natural Language Processing @ Surrey
Workshop: Teaching Neural Machine Translation to Translators
Quality Estimation for Machine Translation
Findings of the WMT 2022 Shared Task on Automatic Post-Editing
Findings of the WMT 2022 Shared Task on Quality Estimation
Utilizing Weak Supervision to Create S3D: A Sarcasm Annotated Dataset
Cognitive Natural Language Processing
Quality Estimation
Dialouge Processing: The role of NLP and building blocks of a chatbot
Harnessing Abstractive Summarization for Fact-Checked Claim Detection
Transformers: Perspectives from NLP
HiNER: A Large Hindi Named Entity Recognition Dataset
PLOD: An Abbreviation Detection Dataset for Scientific Documents
SURREY-CTS-NLP at WASSA2022: An Experiment of Discourse and Sentiment Analysis for the Prediction of Empathy, Distress and Emotion
Introducing Neural Machine Translation (NMT) to Translators
Creating a Telegram Bot to Share Updates via Python
An Ensemble Approach to Acronym Extraction using Transformers
Quality Estimation for Machine Translation
Automated Evidence Collection for Fake News Detection
Pushing the Right Buttons: Adversarial Evaluation of Quality Estimation
'So You Think You’re Funny?': Rating the Humour Quotient in Standup Comedy
FrameNet-assisted Noun Compound Interpretation
Cognition-aware Cognate Detection
Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Harnessing Cross-lingual Features to Improve Cognate Detection for Low-resource Languages
A Survey on Using Gaze Behaviour for Natural Language Processing
Cognitively Aided Zero-Shot Automatic Essay Grading
Happy Are Those Who Grade without Seeing: A Multi-Task Learning Approach to Grade Essays Using Gaze Behaviour
Investigations into the use of Distributed Semantics for Cognate Detection and Computational Phylogenetics
"A Passage to India": Pre-trained Word Embeddings for Indian Languages
Challenge Datasets of Cognate and False Friend Pairs for Indian Languages
Recommendation Chart of Domains for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis: Findings of A 20 Domain Study
Strategies of Effective Digitization of Commentaries and Sub-commentaries: Towards the Construction of Textual History
"Keep Your Dimensions on a Leash": True Cognate Detection using Siamese Deep Neural Networks
Harnessing Deep Cross-lingual Word Embeddings to Infer Accurate Phylogenetic Trees
Utilizing Word Embeddings based Features for Phylogenetic Tree Generation of Sanskrit Texts
An Introduction to the Textual History Tool
Utilizing Wordnets for Cognate Detection among Indian Languages
Cognate Identification to improve Phylogenetic trees for Indian Languages
Some Strategies to Capture Karaka-Yogyata with Special Reference to apadana
Natural Language Processing and its intersection with Data Science
Eyes are the Windows to the Soul: Predicting the Rating of Text Quality Using Gaze Behaviour
Hindi Wordnet for Language Teaching: Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Indian Language Wordnets and their Linkages with Princeton WordNet
New Vistas to study Bhartṛhari: Cognitive NLP
pyiwn: A Python-based API to access Indian Language WordNets
Semi-automatic WordNet Linking using Word Embeddings
Synthesizing Audio for Hindi Wordnet
Is your Statement Purposeless? Predicting Computer Science Graduation Admission Acceptance based on Statement Of Purpose
Sarcasm Suite: A browser-based engine for sarcasm detection and generation
Scanpath Complexity: Modeling Reading Effort using Gaze Information
NLP Fundamentals at VIVA IET
A picture is worth a thousand words: Using OpenClipArt library for enriching IndoWordNet
Civique: Using Social Media to detect Urban Emergencies
Harnessing Cognitive Features for Sarcasm Detection
Leveraging Cognitive Features for Sentiment Analysis
Mapping it differently: A solution to the linking challenges
Predicting Readers' Sarcasm Understandability by Modeling Gaze Behavior
SlangNet: A WordNet like resource for English Slang
Sophisticated Lexical Databases - Simplified Usage: Mobile Applications and Browser Plugins For Wordnets
That’ll do fine!: A coarse lexical resource for English-Hindi MT, using polylingual topic models
TransChat: Cross-Lingual Instant Messaging for Indian Languages
Using Multilingual Topic Models for Improved Alignment in English-Hindi MT
World WordNet database structure: an efficient schema for storing information of WordNets of the world
Do not do processing, when you can look up: Towards a Discrimination Net for WSD
PaCMan: Parallel Corpus Management Workbench
PanchBhoota: Hierarchical phrase based machine translation systems for five Indian languages
More than meets the eye: Study of Human Cognition in Sense Annotation
A Study of the Sense Annotation Process: Man v/s Machine.
Discrimination-net for Hindi