SlangNet: A WordNet like resource for English Slang

SlangNet: A WordNet like resource for English Slang


We present a WordNet like structured resource for slang words and neologisms on the internet. The dynamism of language is often an indication that current language technology tools trained on today’s data, may not be able to process the language in the future. Our resource could be (1) used to augment the WordNet, (2) used in several Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications which make use of noisy data on the internet like Information Retrieval and Web Mining. Such a resource can also be used to distinguish slang word senses from conventional word senses. To stimulate similar innovations widely in the NLP community, we test the efficacy of our resource for detecting slang using standard bag of words Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) algorithms (Lesk and Extended Lesk) for English data on the internet.

Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016)